I have loved being home for a white Christmas! We haven't had snow this early in the year in a while. Grace and Leah loved playing in the 20 inches we got over the weekend while they were here spending the night, and I'm glad that the snow came early enough that by today, the roads won't be too icy when I head into work.
I've had a decent break from arriving home from the end of the semester to getting back to the NICU. As always, I am excited and ready to get back! I am not scheduled to work Christmas (my last time saying that in a while) and I am off the day before (and day of) Mandy's wedding.
My trip to Dr. Brody's yesterday revealed a completely healed liver and bile duct! I got the complete work-up (meaning he used all of his machines on me :)) and he found that my heart, kidneys, and adrenals are the next up to be worked on. My adrenals were a 32 on his chart, which is the highest it can be, meaning that they are very fatigued. Those 4 years of having Mono with no immune system to fight it really took a toll on all of my organs! They each tried to fight it! The great news is that I will, at some point, be cured from all of these ailments, Lord willing! I am so thankful for two parents who are willing to take me to a doctor 2 hours away and pay for my treatment so that I can get better! Thanks, Mom and Dad!
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago