Thursday, January 29, 2009

God is Good!

So here's one way God has continued to show me just how much He cares... about the little things!

If there's one thing (haha) about nursing school that makes me nervous to... well, uhhh... be a nurse, it's the fact that one tiny mistake can cost someone their life. It's a fact that I have been really thinking about and a fact that I just need to put in God's hands, while taking measures to prevent something bad from happening. Here at Liberty we learn how to treat and care for patients in a way that would make giving someone the wrong treatment difficult: for example, checking THREE TIMES that medications are given in the right dose, at the right time, for the right patient, via the correct route, etc. etc. etc. But there are so many medications, and so many routes of administration, and so many side effects... how could I learn all of this????

Anyway, last weekend, at the Nursing Convention, I won a prize from a raffle. Out of a viariety of prizes, ranging from Starbucks gift certificates to personal review sessions with NCLEX tutors, this is what I got handed to me:

YAY! This little stack of note cards is amazing, and makes me feel a little more relaxed about the whole drug thing. And here's why: they're fun!

They give mnemonics and use other creative ways to help you remember everything about drugs.

Here's a drug that I am learning about now. And what's funny is that my teacher used this example as something you would not want to remember. Versed is best for causing amnesia during procedures. You won't remember or care about a thing while this drug is in your system.
One thing that I had trouble remembering was with which drugs you should avoid Grapefruit Juice. I randomly flipped to this card today...

...and it told me exactly which drugs to avoid drinking Grapefruit juice with, and there were less drugs to remember than I thought!

Besides fun pictures, the cards also have imortant information on the back... Here's an example: Lidocaine (front)
And Lidocaine (back) with important things highlighted in different colors, depending on what you need to be thinking about and looking for.

Wow. God is so good!


Elsa said...

i'm absolutely agree
God is good!!!

Matt Wilson said...

At no point in my college career did I ever have to memorize the line "M.O.M. in the pm for a BM in the AM".

April said...

i know that's my favorite.... and you'll never forget it!

Anonymous said...

WOW April, Great Blog!
Grandmom just told me about it and I've just read all 3 entries. I GOT the line, "Let's start at the very beginning, etc." and laughed out loud and call Uncle Steve in for, "M.O.M. in the pm for a BM in the AM"
You're right, you'll NEVER forget that and God's gift from the conference will be great for you!

You DO have a way with words April and I'm so glad that I'll be able to "stay in touch" with you through this blog!

Love you!
Aunt Candy

Anonymous said...

This is my "up-teen" try, to send you a comment. Hope this one goes through.
I LOVE the blog! And, am so happy that now we can keep up with you. I check your blog morning and evening, as I have done with Heather's. I'd like to see more pictures of you.
Love how you express yourself.
And, I love you!