I got home from spring break Wednesday night, in the dark, and had to walk into my house all alone. I walked into every room with a broom making tons of noise, even looked under my bed, but saw nothing. The last room I went into was the kitchen, and as I turned my head to look at the floor, I saw a little rat butt poking out from under the cabinets... my cabinets actually... and I sucked wind. I found it odd that the mouse was still in the middle of the kitchen after I had been making so much noise with the broom, so I walked to the other doorway of the kitchen and looked in from a safe distance. There it was, grossing me out. So, I called home, and Matt picked up. I think he loved that he picked up the phone and got to hear me in such a panicked state. Here's our conversation:
"The rat's in our house!"
"Eeeeh, is Mom or Dad there?"
"Hahaa No."
"Ewww it's in our kitchen."
"Ok...Heehe haha!"
"It isn't funny I almost walked on top of it!"
"Yeah? And how does that make you feel?"
"uuuhhh, ewww! ok..."
"April, talk to me"
"I'm all sweaty and my armpits are itching, that's how it makes me feel."
"Ha haaa! Are you looking at it right now?"
"No I walked away. EEEh. Ok. You get to play this for everyone because I'm sure it's being recorded."
"It is. Ha."
"Alright, I'm gonna hang up now and call Dad."
"Alright, one second though, Dad's at work. Ummm another question, do you have a crush on anyone?"
"Do I have a crush on anyone.... haha, no."
"Eew I'm so creeped out Matt I have to go, I have to call Dad."
"Alright, what's Dad's gonna say?"
"I don't know, I'll call the landlord."
"Call up one of your dude friends and tell them to come over and get it."
"Alright, aaah. Ok bye."
"And then block the entryway so It doesn't get out of the kitchen."
"It's dead!"
"Oh it's dead?!"
"Matt, I think so, I'm not gonna go close to it, but it's not moving, EEEW!"
"Call one of your dude friends. Call the one that broke the Jeep window because he owes you, and me."
"Ok. Everyone's on spring break, but alright."
"Alright, bye."
There it was folks. And in case you couldn't tell who-said-what above, Matt's the one who kept saying "ha ha".
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
I love following the episodes of the RAT! But I'd probably be acting just as you are, April. I can't stand the sight of them!!
Two more months to go...then you'll be safely HOME. Then Matt can take care of you if such a critter should show up.
love you,
Soooooooo . . . . it is now Monday morning - how did you take care of the rat????? I am glad this didn't happen while we were visiting! Matt would have had to hear MULTIPLE women screeching in the phone! But Lori would have been a trooper and went in there and took care of it! She actually looked under the bed during our visit - more than I would have done! Remember, I was the one who acted like an idiot when we thought the rat was actually a bag of ceral making a noise!
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