It's crazy to think of it, but another year has passed. I'm excited to come home next weekend for Leah's baptism, and for a get-together with the family!
Here's a little peek at our outside. I'll be putting up pictures to give you all a tour of our house soon.

This past Satruday, my friends and I (a total of almost 20 of us :)) had a great party to celebrate the big 2-1. The weather was a beautiful 60 degrees. We had a bon-fire with hotdogs, curly fries, and s'mores (I had a couple of nice, organic hotdogs and organic sweet potato fries), then we all went inside and played card games and "Running Cherades": a game where there are two teams in two locations in the house, and one person from each team runs to a central location where there is someone waiting to tell them a noun. Then, the players run back to their teams and cherade the word; whoever guesses correctly is the next team member to run to the word-giver to get the next word.... etc etc etc. There are a total of 5 words, and whichever team guesses them all first wins. It is fast, frantic, and fun! It was fun hanging out with all my friends, which are all nursing students, because that's pretty much all I know here at Liberty.
And the BEST THING IS: Matt's coming down to visit me and take me out this Saturday! He's staying for church on Sunday then heading home. It should be a lot of fun!
UPDATE: I called Hopkins and will be putting in an application to work there this summer!
Happy Birthday and lots of love to our favorite youngest daughter and nursing student. God has blessed us all so richly because of you and we could not be more thankful to Him for the gift of April in our lives. Lots and lots of love. Your very fortunate Mom.
Maybe if I play running charades with the boys three times a week I might lose some weight! ha ha
Glad to see your beautiful smiling face on the blog!
Can't wait to see you in ten days!
Love Aunt Becki
Enjoy seeing your pictures and your friends. Nice back yard!
Looking forward to seeing the house tour.
Sounds like the "21st" was a big day for you....GOOD!
I tried several times to send you a "greeting", but couldn't figure out trying again.
Just wanted to say .... so glad you have this blog!!! Now, I can keep up with you at Liberty.
See you soon!
I Love You,
Grandmom voo-pa
I DID IT!!!!
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