This past weekend was a BLAST!!!!
Matt and his college roomie Ian Prince came down to visit me at school and take me out to celebrate my 21st. They brought a little surprise with them.... Mandy Jean! As I walked out of my house to greet Matt and Ian, this little blonde thing jumped up from behind the car like a jack-in-the-box. It took me a while to register who it was, but I screamed with delight once it dawned on me, haha. They played it well over the few weeks leading up to this special visit. I even asked Mandy if she could come down but "she had to work", or something-or-other, and I texted Mandy while waiting for Matt and Ian to arrive to ask her if she had Skype (a live video chat on the computer [thanks Aunt Candy! I love it :)]) so I could talk to her that night. Meanwhile, she was secretly on her way to my house!
We had fun hanging out over the weekend, going out to eat with my school friends (who enjoyed being able to meet the people I talk so much about!), and laughing as we all watched our favorite childhood movie, Pee Wee's Big Adventure. Matt and Ian spent the night in "Room 318", which was our guest room with a sign they made so they felt like they were in their old college room again..... they were giggling all night. Mandy slept in my top bunk as we wished it could be like this every night.
But, the weekend was over too soon, and now I get to look forward to coming home this weekend for a quick visit!
But now I have to study for my first OB test tomorrow. I didn't study this past weekend, of corse, so it's crunch time.
UPDATE: Hopkins has my application and I have submitted by top 3 requests for which department I want to work in this summer:
1. Pediatrics/NICU (Neonatal ICU or Pediatrics ICU)
2. OB/GYN (Labor and Delivery)
3. Critical Care (the sickest of the sick; this was an interesting decision for me, but I think it would be very interesting to work on a CCU floor. I would see and learn a lot....)
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
Study hard. Junior year is over in just 11 more weeks! Love, Mom
I just know you're going to get 100% on your OB project, since your interview subject was soooo interesting ;o)
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