Yesterday was my second of three 12 hour shifts on Mother Baby. I had "couplet" responsibilities, which meant I took care of both Mom and Baby. Last week I only had a Mom and helped with a new baby admission while I had some time.
I was again responsible for vital signs and a complete assessment of my Mom in the morning; this meant waltzing into a room and having, not just to wake up a sleeping new Mommy, but her husband, a brand spankin' new Daddy, as well. But I'm always pleasantly surprised at how well the new parents take to being woken up around 7:50 am. This is a good sign, because just wait till you get home, new parents!
This Mom was a C-section because of Failure to Progress, meaning that she didn't go into spontaneous labor on her own. She was 40 weeks and 3 days, so just past her due date. She was induced with Pitocin and taken to the OR. I think she was a section because the baby was 9 lbs. 12 oz.... but I don't know. I probablly should have. Since she was a section, she needed a second assessment in the afternoon in stead of just one in the morning. Between assessments I quick charted on her, which I think I've mentioned before?... it's basically just a quick check to ask about pain and make sure the patient is safe. I was able to give Mom some Motrin throughout the day for pain.
Her Baby was rolled from the nursery by the doctor before I could do an assessment and taken to Mom so Mom could try feeding. I wasn't able to do my first assessment until 10:00, and I did it in the room with Mom and Dad watching because I don't think they wanted her taken away to the nursery. You could tell they just wanted her to stay in the room so they could hold her and get to know her.
I felt the fontanels, or soft spots, listened to the heart, lungs, and belly, took her temperature, checked out the umbilical cord, felt the little soft tummy, noted that the baby was pink, checked her diaper (poor Dad found the "blow out" before I got to do the assessment, he was such a sport. He picked up the baby and I heard "Eeaaaa" (how do you spell that noise?) and he revieled a poopy finger), and noted a little Sacral Dimple at the bottom of her spine. I also cleaned the Dimple out, there were leftovers of the "blow out" in there. The doctor wanted to do an ultrasound later to check for any spinal cord abnormalities. I also checked the baby's muscle tone and movement (she moved just fine, so there probablly wasn't anything wrong with the spinal cord). And one perk of the job was that I got to pick up the little one. That's only everything I've been waiting for! It's fun to be the one to pick her up, wrap her in two blankets, and deliver her to Daddy's waiting arms. So cute. Baby got three full assessments during the day and at least 2 "quick charts". I got to give her Erythromycin gel in her eyes twice during the shift because she was having some yellow discharge.
Another great clinical day. One more to go, and clinicals are over until next year! That's the Senior year, by the way ;)
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
Cool. I love reading about your clinics. I can't believe your Jr. year is almost over! See you in a couple weeks to move you to your new house!
Awwwwwww, what a "sweet read"
Wow, junior year almost over! What happened to your sophomore year? Did you skip it?
Again, Awwwwwwwwww, that really was a sweet post to read.
P.S. Do you have a blog where you've posted pictures from Grace's birthday party? I thought Aunt Michelle said she saw some and I don't see them here or at Heather's blog. Did I hear correctly, or does Dr. Brody have even MORE work to do on me???
you should probably fit in some time to give the new mommy a back massage, while you're at it.
I would have loved for you to have been there doing all of this when Bryce or Bradyn was born! Especially with Bradyn - all of the labor nurses hated me by the time he was delivered and I am sure that they informed the next shift of my episode with his birth! ha ha
Aunt Becki
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