So last night, I get another call from Johns Hopkins. Again, it was the NICU nurse manager that interviewed me for the CNA position. He called to say that, because of the economy, most of the floors in the hospital are having budget cuts and are therefore required to cut back on new hires. This wasn't too much of a surprise for me (except for the fact that I was already told that I got the job) because the floor that I was on last year isn't hiring any new people... at all.
This doesn't mean that I no longer have a job, but it does mean that I may be transferred to another floor that is able to hire more CNAs. Right now, they are going through all the applications of the people they have already hired (like me) and are going to pick 6 people to work during the summer in the NICU.
"So you're telling me there's a chance...?"
I'm guessing I will get a call later on in the week, or sometime next week, to let me know where I'll be this summer. It all depends on what the other applicants look like on paper, or whether they were previously employed by the NICU.
I'm okay with wherever I end up, as long as it's at Hopkins. I'll put my time in anywhere in the hospital, then work my way to where I want to be once I graduate.
I've nothing to say, except:
It's so literal! Has it ever been so literal?
Was that mean? I didn't mean for it to be mean. Matt once told me it was snowing outside on April 1st when I was little. Then he laughed at me. THAT was mean. But this?
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
You got me. For a second I was thinking, "Oh geez, who do I have to call now?" You would have been one of the 6.
Also, you spelled "surprise" wrong in the first paragraph. As your older brother, I felt obligated to point that out. Also, it's snowing outside.
OK, April didn't get me on this one. Why? because Kenny and Matt have been playing April Fools jokes on me from the time they woke up this morning so I'm skeptical of everything I hear today. It seems I didn't REALLY have a bug in my hair at 7:10 this morning.
That said, WHY did I go back to April's post to see if she really DID spell surprise wrong???
April, it really is snowing outside.
Matt, I need a work-from-home, part-time job that pays well. Would you work on that for me?!
i fixed "surprise" after Matt pointed it out.
April, you fixed it! Now my 2nd post looks silly.
Aunt Candy, I'll get right on it.
I JUST GOT TAKEN BY HEATHER....AND NOW YOU TOO~!!!!!! I WAS READING THE COMMENTS FROM YOU TO POP-POP AND WE WERE BOTH SAYING "OH, NO"...HOPE SHE KEEPS HER JOB AT HOPKINS! Now, don't you feel bad for putting your old grandparents through such concern for you??
Much love anyway!
Pop-Pop and grandmom
April Lynn!!! First Heather and now YOU!!!! But that was a good one and well written to bring the reader to almost tears of disappointment for you SNIFF! SNIFF!
That might top Bradyn's April Fool's joke at school - he had Derek act like he hit him in the nose and Derek had ketchup hidden in his hand! Derek acted like he hit him and then smeared it down his face. Mrs. Thompson ran for the phone and started dialing 911 for an ambulance and Bradyn had to yell "STOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!! It's a joke!!". The only thing that saved their butts is that the rest of the class was waiting outside the door and busted in laughing about it. At first Mrs. Thompson was NOT happy!
Aunt Becki
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