Next year, 6 of us will be living in this house:

Here's the sunroom and the deck:

Here's the backyard and lake, just over the fence:
There are lots of gnats outside. I guess we'll need a couple of those blue light zapper thingys.
Here't the basement where we'll put the TV and games. This is where we'll all hang out.

And the laundry room/storage room:
That's it! It's pretty spacious, and I think it will look a little more "alive" once we all start to decorate it. It's hard to believe this will be the last place I stay in Lynchburg. I'll graduate from here!
WAIT A MINUTE! You just wove me all around the house of doors ("of which there are several" OK, guess the movie) and NOW you're telling me you won't even be LIVING there next year, that you're going to move into THIS house, a NEW house??
"The Lake House" . . . hmmmm, have you ever seen the Sandra Bullock movie of the same title? Pretty wild movie, a good rental for your first night in the house together. You know, the NEW house, NOT the house of many doors, but your NEW one, the one with the LAKE . . . and gnats......
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