But I have finally heard from, what Matt and I lovingly call, the Number One Hospital In The World.
That's right, Johns Hopkins!
I interviewed way back and forever ago on Tuesday March 10th. Actually, that wasn't too long ago, was it? It sure feels like it was. Anyway, yesterday afternoon I got a call from a 410 number... a 410-955 number, which I know to be the first 3 digits and area code of Hopkins, my heart be still. So I took a second to gather myself before answering "hello?", in as much of a mature, professional manner as one could express through a phone.
"Hello, is this April?"
"Yes it is"... (kinda like, "Oh hello, who is this?" Except I KNOW!)
It was the guy that interviewed me, a nurse manager in the NICU.
"First of all, thank you for the thank you card you sent, that was nice."
"You're welcome! I had a great time visiting the floor." (Major bonus points to my Career Coach for making sure I sent that letter out! Props, bro.)
"We would like to hire you, if you are still interested."
"Oh, yes I am, thank you."
"Ok, great. And how many hours would you like to work? Were you thinking full time? Or part time?"
"Full time, if that would work for you."
YES! 40 hours a week of feeding, burping, and caring for neonates! I'll get to do "cares" on them, which is taking their vital signs and listening to their heart, lungs, and belly, suction them when they spit up, change their diapers, take them to get procedures done, and go see some C-Sections and high-risk deliveries! I'll also re-stock supplies, prepare beds for admissions, and re-stock the bag/kit that the delivery team takes with them to every high-risk case; it's full of medications and anything that would be needed for any situation that could possibly happen. My heart is beating faster just thinking about it.
And get this, 30 minutes after this phone call, I get a text from my friend informing me that we had been accepted to rent a house! And the house is right on a lake! For a while, these two situations were in the "I have no idea what is going to happen, but they both will shape my future plans" category, but giving things like that over to God and trusting in Him to take care of them makes it all so peaceful, and handle-able (if that's a even a word). And they were both handed to me in one small moment. God cares about the little things, and I'm so glad He does!
I've also been seriously thinking about getting "My House, Part II" up. I know you just can't wait to see my bathroom. I may just throw in the hallway too. I'll also be sure to take my camera to the Lake House when we sign the lease.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
Oh, April!!!!! I'm soooo happy for you. What great news to start my day. You have spent your life honoring the Lord, and He has been so very mericful to you. You will be a tremendous addition to "the best hospital in the world". Not to mention that you'll be the cutiest little nurse around the place.
Looking forward to more photos of your house.
much love,
I love you Squirt.
Hey...Hopkins isn't just just what WE call the #1 hospital in the world...it's what the world calls the #1 hospital in the world. Way to go sis. My work here is almost complete. (it ends when you get a fat signing bonus and buy a Volvo, like a baller).
WOO HOO!! Congratulations April!
You DO realize how PERFECTLY this plays into your book. I mean, after all, who wants to read about a nurse who was rejected by the #1 hospital in the world?!
Oh, and having a handsome career coach for a brother doesn't hurt book sales either.
Seriously April, that was GREAT news! I am very happy for you, AND the little ones in the NICU!
Hey April!!!
Cuzin Kim here! The house is so nice congrads!! I know the Lord is with me durning this wonderful yet scray time in my life. If it wasn't for everyone praying for me and knowning this is his plan,becuase he is the one that opened the door, I would be going nuts!!! But yes it comforting to rest in the arms of the Lord!!!!
Keep up the good work!! I won't to work in surgery/trama.
Love ya...Kim
April Lynn!! Way to go girl!!!! I had no doubt that you would be accepted! Look at your track record - you DID assist in a c-section in Guatamala already!!! Johns Hopkins is LUCKY to have YOU as a future NICU nurse!!!! I am so very, very, very proud of you and what you have accomplished at the ripe age of 21!!!
Love you!
Aunt Becki
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