All my lights are burning out. My overhead light in my room is blown, and you can just forget about this 5'3'' girl trying to fix that thing. It's like, all the way up there on the ceiling, and, there's this, thingy, that is under the bulb so I can't get to the bulb to unscrew it. I feel like Aunt Becki; "The doo-hicky under the thingy is too far up and I don't have a thingamagigg to fix it."
How many nursing students does it take to change a light bulb?
Where's Dad and his superman belt? I think he has a step-ladder on that thing.
2 of the 3 light bulbs in my bathroom are out, too. But I figure I can just deal with the less-than-ideal lighting because I actually looked for replacement light bulbs, but you can't replace one bulb with another that is a different wattage, can you? The whole house would blow up if I did that!
I realize that may not be entirely accurate.
I am also out of toilet paper, and I am wondering how I forgot to snag a roll or two while I was at home. I was only reminded of my need about five times a day as I used the bathroom (how many times are you supposed to go to the bathroom in a day? Should I know that? I know it's 30 cc's per hour... I wonder if this will be on my next test...).
But my pantry and fridge are stocked with yummy organic food :) And my room is slowly getting darker and darker as the sun goes down.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
April Lynn - this is what you need to do:
Get the whatchmacallit to stand on and you might possibly need a phone book or two so you can reach the thingamabob, then turn the doohicky counterclockwise and pull out the hugeie and discard. Then insert another doohickey into the thingamajig and turn clockwise making sure the hugeie turns on. Make sure that while you are standing on the whatchmacallit you don't "bang a Uey" and turn around too fast and fall on your tushie! If you can't understand this, give me a "jingle" on my cell I will walk you thru it with more descriptive words! ha ha
Love ya!
Aunt Becki
Hilarious! You certainly take after your mother, who desperately needs Dad and his utility belt for all those little things in life. Oh, and they sell toilet paper at Walmart. ~Love, Mommy
Testing, one - two - three. I just created an identity for myself, all by myself, without Dad and his utility belt. I'm no longer anonymous!
"The Dark-en-ess" OH, how that brought back memories. Yes, I'm re-living the whole experience right now with a sweet (I assume) expression on my face.....
"Aunt Tandy, we're going into the darkenness . . . now we're IN the darkeness"
Isn't it funny how you can change a patient's IV drip, but a light bulb . . nahhhhhh, I'll just go to bed when it gets dark!
LOVED your post, you should keep a journal about your nursing school experience and then write a book. Seriously, you'd have an immediate readership: Future, Current, and Past nursing students either looking forward to, living, or remembering their own experiences!
Think about it . . . really.
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