""God's strong name is our help, the same God who made heaven and earth,"... It takes the majesty of the One who pulled a universe into order and beauty, and finds this same God involved in the local troubles of a quite ordinary person.""
So I decided to play around, have some fun, and see what I could come up with. Can you tell what the following images are?

Here they are together:

My roommate guessed "sunglasses".... wrong!
The other roommate just said "Hmmmm....".... wrong again!
These are everyday, ordinary,.... utensils. A fork, knife, and spoon.
So tell me your thoughts:
Did the cutlery become "artful"?
Will you ever stab, cut, and scoop your food the same way again?
I need to go do some nursing stuff, for crying out loud! Next test is tomorrow on geriatrics and orthopedics.
1 comment:
Soooo, does the fork, knife, and spoon transform into an Autobot? It looks like it could transform into a superhero Transformer and protect the world from the evil Decepticons!
Whew, I need to get out more . . .
Love you,
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