This is the main enterance which heads in to the kitchen. This is not the door to the outside that I will mention later in the post. That door is around the house to the left. See the enterance down to the left? That's the boy's enterance.
It's really starting to look and feel like Spring! Which makes me think of Willy Wonka, when he's on that bike in the Inventing Room, singing about Spring time... I always have movies on my mind. All the windows on this side of the house look into the rooms we will be touring today! Starting from the back of the house, it's the master bedroom windows, the guest room windows, the living room windows, and the kitchen (which are the windows that stick out in a circle).
"Spring time, the only pretty ring time, birds sing-a-ding"
So if you'll remember: from the doorway to my room, looking out, you can go next-door to the left and go into my roommates room. The door you can see to the left in this picture is the door to my bathroom.
No, I haven't gone all this time without toilet paper. But as you can see now, I have plenty. If you walk straight out of my room, you'll see my roommates bathroom there on the right, or you can walk straight forward into the master bedroom. But we'll pass that by, because it's locked. The hallway moves to the right....
... and you come to an area full of options.You get to choose from 5 doors. The first on on the right will take you outside, which means you are going to get the mail, which means you are about to walk a really long way. No thanks. The double doors straight ahead will take you into the craft room, formerly known as the music room, until all the instrumets were taken out. This room will also connect you to the kitchen, but we'll get into that later.
As you keep turning to the left, there is a doorway that takes you to the living room. (See the other door through the craft room? Go through it and immediately on your left is another doorway to the living room. Immediately to your right is a bathroom. Straight ahead is the kitchen.)

Still moving to the left, there is a door to the guest room, then finally, a door to the downstairs (not pictured here). This door leads to the apartment downstairs which houses 3 other people. They're boys. We don't go down there. And they don't come up here! Except to do laundry. They have thir own kitchen, door to the outside, etc.

Ok. First, we'll see the guest room. This is where Matt and Ian stayed and giggled all night long.

WOW!!! Quite the house...I love the windows in the kitchen. Is that a white pear tree I see??
April does this house come already furnished for you? Please bring pictures home with you on your next visit.
I have never in my life seen a house with so many doors!!!!!! ha ha
Great house to live in while at college!!!
Aunt Becki
Nice place April!
However, I must admit, if ever there was a fire and I was inside . . . well, let's just say a toasted marshmallow comes to mind.
I've been there and I can say you do feel like you just keep walking forever, passing door after door after door.
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