I am 8 days away from returning to Lynchburg and my final year at Liberty University! These past 3 years of college have gone by so fast, and it's hard to believe that I will be graduating!
I just received an e mail from my 3rd roommate. It turns out that she is unable to return to school this semester. My other roomie and I will be on the lookout for a third roommate. This was unexpected, but I'm sure it will all work out, and we hope our friend can return for the second semester.
I have 7 days to go in the NICU. This summer has been amazing. Johns Hopkins is such an exciting place to work. I have seen so much and been able to spend my days holding and caring for adorable little ones. God's incredible design is so evident in the small 24-weekers we admit. These early babies are amazing to watch grow outside of the womb, and the medical doctors and nurses have so much knowledge of how to help the babies develop. There is one little baby that came to us at 24 weeks and is now 2 months old. The baby is growing and improving so much and I love knowing that it was God who sustained him! There are so many other amazing things to be seen, and it shows me how God's design for the human body is perfect, and that any alteration in the body's systems causes a problem of one kind or another. I will miss being able to learn at our nations #1 hospital while I'm back at school! Thankfully, we at LU are able to work at great hospitals with fantastic teachers.
This year, I will be the photographer for the Liberty Nursing Student Association. Heather taught me how to set my camera to take a great picture. Thanks Heather!
Keep up with everything we are doing this year at www.lunursingstudents.blogspot.com, or you can follow the link to LNSA on the right hand section of this page!
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
How's your bile duct?
i'll update you personally tomorrow after my appointment. can you wait that long?
haha you two are quite the characters lole2388stella2388
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