Ok, the first post is titled "No More Babies"
Hello Johns Hopkins NICU! I miss you.
I miss the 35ish babies that were there when I left, and I think about them.... probably every day.
Last semester, I signed up for the Critical Care Program. This included taking Preceptorship this semester, where I follow a nurse at our local hospital for a total of 90 hours. I signed up for the Intensive Care Nursery and hoped hoped hoped I would be assigned a position there. Guess what. While waiting for news of where I would be placed, Hopkins spoiled me. I now crave the 45 bed unit of the cute little ones. But, I figured the ICN here (20 bed spots?) would help me to see if I was really fit to be a Neonatal ICU nurse; the fact that the majority of the patients here are not as critically ill as those at Hopkins, I figured that I would still enjoy the experience. (I am NOT saying that the Neonatal ICU here is not good, but it is not a level 1 NICU, and I really enjoyed the cases that Hopkins dealt with).
Well, today we got our assignments, and I am in the Cardiovascular Recovery Unit. At first, I was bummed that I would not be working with any babies, but I think I will enjoy my time in the CVRU. I hear that it is a very interesting floor, full of learning opportunities. And, bonus!, this class has no class time, we just go to work and write journals about our experience after each shift.
Ok, the second post is titled "Today, We Celebrate"
Celebrate what? Eating. Food. Eating whatever I want, and whatever I can, for dinner tonight. Only Mom and Aunt Beck-a-Roobie can truly understand what I mean when I say that I don't like Blessed Herbs. 5 days of no food is too much, man.
So after class today, I stopped at Sonic's, just on a whim, and got a Caramel Mocha Java Chiller. Or something like that. It was gone within a few stop lights. I did show self-control when I only scraped the lid with my finger and not the whole cup.
I've been planning what I would eat for dinner ever since I knew I would be doing this whole fasting thing. I thought;
"Pizza?", yes.
"Mac and Cheese?", yes.
"Mexican?", yes.
"Bacon Cheesebur... Ok, wait. Don't go crazy April. Get a Domino's PASTA BREAD BOWL!", yeeees. Another bonus - it comes with a free chocolate lava cake.
Now I'm normally all about healthy, pizza on a sprouted grains crust, but tonight I'm going for the un-healthy, non-organic three cheese mac and cheese in an oven baked pizza crust.

It was everything I'd hoped it would be.
Tomorrow? It's all back to my favorite diet and yours, RAW.
ha you are too cute! That past bowl looked yummy!
So one of my clinical instructors from Junior year works on CVRU-- Mrs. Megan Yantiss. She is AMAZINGG. She loves the unit and you will see some AMAZING stuff. Her stories made me want to do that floor. You prob. will get to do chest compressions at some point, and see the chest cavity open at the bed side ( no joke!)
that's insane! i am starting to get pretty excited about it.
I'm so glad it was "everything you hoped it would be", but now I can't ask you that question! You're just like Bradyn - he tries to tell me that before I can ask him, too!
gross-- macaroni baked in a bread bowl? who thought that up??
wait. maybe that would taste good.
Blessed Herbs was definitely a tough one! Especially watching my family pig-out on normal food and having them forget I was fasting and they would hold out their food and say, "Mom, want some?". Of course I gave them the "hairy eye-ball" and they ran for cover! ha ha Sounds like your senior year is going to be quite a ride!!!
Love ya!
Aunt Beck-a-Roobee (that cracked me up!)
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