Monday, March 2, 2009

My House, Part I

Here's my room! My roommate from last semester graduated in December, so I am all alone! I really enjoy it, and it's nice because I came back this semester with lots of pills and jars for germinating and sprouting nuts. It would have been "fun" to explain all the crazy stuff I need to do sometimes to someone I didn't know.
Here's walking through the door, then moving around to the left:

My clinical schedules: the top is Med/Surg clinicals: I'm on the Oncology floor now. The bottom is for OB class: I have a Baby Massage class coming up on Wednesday, and my Mother/Baby clinicals in April.

On my dresser, I keep my printer and my class books. Those are ALL nursing books, plus 2 that you can't see in the picture :) I use them when I write my weekly profiles for clinical.

What desk would be complete without a Dwight Schrute Bobblehead??

My window. All my medicines are in the drawers.

These are over-the-door hooks that I put on the walls using "Command Strips" as curtain holders. I still need one more for the other side.
The view from the window this morning: SNOW! 8 inches last night.

This was my roommate's dresser, but now I use it to put make-up on, because it has a mirror.
I get to see these girls every morning!

And these girls too! Elizabeth, Mandy, and Laura

These are two pictures of Kek-Chi kids from Guatemala. The "frame" is actually a shoe box lid.

My closets:

My reminder for clinical: If you are missing your med cards or profile, you go home. Scarry!

Coming up: the bathroom :)


Anonymous said...

Nice Room April!

Organization is the key to controlling a busy life and it looks like you've done a fine job. The "Are you Ready" note on your door is a GREAT idea!

Love your blog and love you!

Heather D said...

oh good, I've been dying to see your bathroom:)

pretty bedroom!

Anonymous said...

haha, i know. the bathroom is what everyone is waiting for.

Anonymous said...

Next for your blog, a picture of your bedroom at home when you come back for a visit! I think everyone would find that very interesting (haha). Love, Mom